Discover the informal spoken language
Learn Flemish with Sofie!
Sounds familiar?
😕 You feel like the Dutch you learned in school isn’t helping you to really understand Belgian native speakers and to express yourself in informal situations.
😕 You want to sound more like a native speaker and less like a news reader when talking to your Flemish friends, family & colleagues.
😕 You want to feel more comfortable when surrounded by Flemish native speakers at work, at a family party or with friends.
😕 Flemish people keep on switching to English or French whenever you talk to them. It’s so frustrating!
Sign up for our free 10 Day Everyday Flemish Crash Course!
Discover how to talk like a native speaker without sounding like a textbook.
Get tips & tricks to understand Flemish people better and to feel relaxed in a Flemish environment.
Each lesson comes with audio to help you get the pronunciation right!
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Would you like to
Understand more, even when people are having informal discussions?
Sound more like a native speaker and use typical phrases and expressions smoothly?
Feel more comfortable when surrounded by Flemish native speakers and really connect with them?
Get more opportunities to practice and more positive reactions?
Finally be able to understand what they are saying in Flemish movies & series?

Hi, I am Sofie!
Nice to meet you! As the founder of Goesting in Taal, I am very happy to welcome you on our website! Who am I?
- Experienced language coach and teacher (Check out my LinkedIn profile for testimonials from my students)
- Language lover
with a passion for
informal language
(as a teacher, but also as a student!) In the past years, I have been specialising in teaching Flemish informal language because I realised how important spoken language is not to feel like an outsider and to express yourself fully.
- Someone who loves Belgium
in all its diversity and complexity
- Author of Wa zegt ge? Vlaamse spreektaal voor anderstaligen and multiple survival guides to learn informal Flemish language
If you have any questions about the Goesting in Taal project, feel free to contact me!
✨Our self-study resources✨
All of our books come with audio and were developed for self study. Our survival guides will help you express yourself in situations with native speakers. Our book Wa zegt ge? will allow you to build on your knowledge of official “classroom Dutch” and help you understand native speakers better and sound more like one.
Our n° 1 bestseller
If you have been learning Dutch for a while, and you have reached an intermediate (B1) level, then this book is probably the best option for you! This is our most complete & rich learning resource to discover informal spoken Flemish, or what we call “tussentaal”.
Testimonials about this book:
Must-have for ‘anderstaligen’ in Belgium 🙂 I can’t recommend this book enough to all language enthusiasts – it’s a dynamic, immersive, and essential companion for venturing into the world of Flemish. – Oleksandra
THE missing link! This should be taught at school. I fully recommend it, I learned a third of the book during 2 professional years in Flanders, looking forward to saving 4 more years! – Lionel
It’s more than a book! I’ve been in Belgium for 18 months and already passed NT2 A1-A2 but still could not understand the people so well. I understood only standaardtaal but never heard tussentaal. “Wa zegt ge” makes me figure out what the people express more. I was hopeless till I found this book. There are a lot of exercise to practice. I’m continuing practice listening as much as I can. – Kate
Our survival guides
If you have a beginners to intermediate level, or you are looking to explore informal Dutch key phrases for specific contexts, our survival guides are what you need!
Our e-books
If you already have our books, and you would like some additional learning tools, or you prefer digital e-books to physical ones, check out our e-books! They are complementary to the books, so you could definitely combine them if you are a really curious learner like me! 🤓
Testimonials from our users
Why learn informal language?
I know from experience how uncomfortable it can be if you don’t understand or speak informal language. After studying Arabic for years, I still had trouble understanding and talking with my Lebanese family-in-law. And then I discovered how learning just a little bit of informal language can change your life! Suddenly, you are no longer an outsider.
This inspired me to create the Goesting in Taal project, to help people in Belgium to have the same positive experience!
What is this so-called "tussentaal"?
If you have been studying Dutch in Belgium, you might have come across the term “tussentaal” or “in-between-language”. This informal language is what we want to help you discover. But what is this “tussentaal” exactly?
As appeared in

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Recent news
- Check our latest Youtube video: Wat is tussentaal?
- We had a fun collaboration with Vocvo to make Flemish “jazz chants” in different accents: check out the result here!
- Do you live in West-Vlaanderen? Then definitely check out our NEW online course West-Vlaams voor beginners!