Frequently Asked Questions

The Goesting in Taal initiative was founded by Sofie Begine to help people who are learning Dutch in Belgium discover informal spoken language. The goal of the project is to help you understand native speakers better, sound more natural, and feel more relaxed in a Flemish environment.
We offer books and online courses for self-study and regularly share free videos, posts and exercises through our website & social media channels.

All our survival guides are suitable for beginners and have explanations about the basic grammar. They also include audio to help you with the pronunciation.
The only book which is not suitable for beginners, is our book “Wa zegt ge? – Vlaamse spreektaal voor anderstaligen”. You need an intermediary level to be able to use this book.

Survival guide for international students: beginners to intermediate level
Survival guide for the office: beginners to intermediate level
Le flamand au bureau : beginners to intermediate level
Survival guide for parents and partners: all levels
Wa zegt ge? Vlaamse spreektaal voor anderstaligen: intermediate to advanced level

If you need some help deciding which book is right for you, try our quiz!
By answering a few simple questions, we can help you selecting the right book for you!

If you would like to order one of our books, but don’t find your country among the shipping options, please send an e-mail to
I will then investigate the shipping options to your country as quickly as possible and contact you with more information.

Contrary to big platforms like Zalando and, as a small web shop we do not get special rates from BPOST. In fact, the real costs per package are 5,70 euros for a big book (we charge 4,95 euros to our customers) and 3,48 euros for a small book (we charge 2,95 euros).
You will also notice that many of these big platforms actually do charge you shipping costs by increasing the price of the product, something we don’t do.
If you really want to avoid shipping costs, you can definitely go check out our books in our partner Book shops: Standaard Boekhandel in Leuven, Filigranes in Brussels and ACCO in Leuven.

For shipping within Belgium, the delivery time is between 1 and 7 days. For shipping abroad, shipping can be longer. Please contact me at if you need more info.

Survival guide for international students:

  • If you bought the book on the webshop, you received a small paper with a QR-code and a password.
  • If you bought the book in a book shop, the audio is not included in the price. You can buy it separately on our webshop.

Survival guide for the office:

  • If you bought the book on the webshop, you received a small paper with a QR-code and a password.
  • If you bought the book in a book shop, the audio is not included in the price. You can buy it separately on our webshop.

Le flamand au bureau : beginners to intermediate level

  • Go to the chapter “prononciation”. Scan the QR-code and use the password.

Survival guide for parents and partners: all levels

  • You will find the QR-code and password on page 3.

Wa zegt ge? Vlaamse spreektaal voor anderstaligen: intermediate to advanced level

  • Scan the QR-code in the beginning of the book (page 2).

I usually teach in a business-to-business setting, but it is possible to have private online classes with me. Prices for a package of 10 classes (10h) are 484,00 euros for a private student, 605,00 euros for a group (max. 4 people). Please note that I only teach during work hours (9-16:30h) and that there usually is a waiting time of 2-3 months.

If you are interested, write to me at

Our books want to help you speak spoken Flemish, something we call “tussentaal”. It’s not the dialect of a specific region, it’s the way people from different Flemish regions would speak together. Imagine you are in an office in Brussels or you have friends from different regions coming together.

It is also the language you will hear in most Flemish movies, fiction series and reality shows.
If you want to learn more about specific accents or dialects, I recommend you to check out this page on our website, as well as the website of Dialectloket.

We also have an online course “West-Vlaams voor beginners” which focuses on a specific dialect: West-Flemish.

Our project is focused on making informal spoken language accessible to people learning Dutch in Belgium. That means there are small differences between the Dutch you will find in our books and the Dutch you will learn in school or hear on the news.
If you really want to focus exclusively on Standard Dutch, we recommend the “Vanzelfsprekend” and “Niet vanzelfsprekend” series by ACCO.

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